I also wont be able to make it to the first race of the year. Funds wont let me this time.
Understandable, hope to see you on the list for the March event.
Note to all member/ racers:This year's race calendar is the heaviest schedule to date. Ideally,
it would be great if everyone that wanted to could race in every
event. Apparently, with today's economic climate, that is not likely.
The schedule is broken down into series. Anyone wishing to race
within a budget should examine the schedule and choose series
that are most in compliance with the inventory they have on hand.
Secondly, determine a budget for entry cost. Cost for each event
is anticipated to be $7 with the exception of NTRA International,
which expected to cost between $12-$15 (determined by number
of entries). Below is a breakdown of the series and chassis builds
required to competitive. Each series only requires two races to
compete in the points race. Hopefully, these suggestions will help
to better pick and choose the events you plan to enter. Finally, I
would suggest entering earlier events to have opportunities on
the back end to bolster your points standings if needed. As long
as it is fun, keep on doing it. If it's not fun, you may start to look
at the fun as a hardship. Don't make fun a hardship.
Sportsman Series:2 chassis types [tjet (nearly stock); 4gear (stock)]
total 4 races over three events
points- total of best two races.
Comp Eliminator Series:1 chassis type [tjet (modified)]*
3 races
points- total of best two races.
Pro Series1 chassis type [4gear (modified, some extreme)]*
4 races over two events
points- total best two races.
Magna/X Series:2 chassis types [Magna/X-Traction (stock), AFX; (for Pro Street either chassis require some modification)]*
4 races over three events
points- total best two races.
* stock- can be competitive using only stock components
* nearly stock- primalirly stock with allowance of third party parts
* modified- at a minimum requires armature swap to be competitive
* extreme- unlimited build
Study. Then race.
NTRA Race Coordinator